English is now known as the global language of trade and commerce – as it has been in the past few decades. This has affected many aspects of the modern world. The English language became known due to colonial expansion, and since then it has become the standard language for all global and official communications – even those with a variety of native languages. Now, this expansion continues thanks to the internet and has become a medium through which the majority of businesses do business.

Having an excellent knowledge of English has become a vital aspect for any employee’s career if they want to be successful. This is especially true for any international students who are seeking better career prospects in an English speaking country. As a result, English is definitely the preferred language in the business community since business communication has gone global and the majority of business partners do not speak the same native language.

With its ability to cross international borders, being proficient in the language is a vital part of success in a highly competitive corporate world. Many organizations around the world rely on English as a means of communication, whether it is through emailing or corporate documentation or popular business resources in print and/or electronic formats.

Here is a simplified version of the importance of the English language in business communication:

It’s Unifying

The language first expanded when it expanded to the New World in the Americas, creating English speaking colonies which became the United States and Canada. Soon, other colonies such as India, the African continent, the Middle East, Australia and Hong Kong soon adopted the language as well. English became the unifying language in many of these areas and soon became the official language of shipping, travel and commerce.

The European Union and the Commonwealth of Nations

English is one of the main official languages in the European Union and the Commonwealth. So, all business being conducted in the European Union is done in English. The same applies to all the business transactions done by the Commonwealth, which promotes free trade among its member states.

Doing Business Worldwide

With English being a global language for doing business, it should come as no surprise that in some industries like the airline and shipping industries, English is the official standard language. Because of this, proficiency in English is required for key jobs like air traffic control or ship captain. Also, English became a major language for finance and the stock markets around the world. Therefore, anyone who wishes to do business globally must be proficient in speaking and writing English (for emails, presentations, marketing, business contracts etc.).

Doing Business on the Internet

When it comes to doing business on the Internet, English is the major language being used. A website written in English will attract more customers and expand the customer base making even remote businesses in different countries more popular. Having well-written products and service descriptions in English will attract more customers and give your business some credibility.


All credit goes to YAZ Education Center