Whether you are applying to become a permanent resident of Canada or to become a citizen of Canada, the CELPIP English test is an important milestone towards that goal. The CELPIP test is designated by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)to assess functional English language proficiency.
Depending on what you are applying for you will have to take one of two different tests. If you are applying for permanent residency you’ll have to take the CELPIP – General Test, which assess functional listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. If you are applying for Canadian citizenship you will be taking the CELPIP-General LS which assess listening and speaking skills only.
There are many things you can do to prepare yourself for the tests and improve your chances of success. Featured below are eight tips for before and during the test that should help you.
Remember That CELPIP Tests General English Proficiency
CELPIP is designed to test your general English knowledge, not your business or academic English knowledge. The best way to prepare for this is to just go out and use English in your daily life.
Practise Using a Computer
The entirety of the CELPIP test is done using a computer so knowing how to use a keyboard and mouse is a necessity. Use the computer regularly and even think about taking the free online practice test to familiarise yourself with using a computer.
Manage Your Time During the Test
The CELPIP test is completely computerized. This allows for a timer to be displayed at all times showing how much time you have left for each section. Keep an eye on these timers and don’t forget to pace yourself.
Focus on What You Know
You may come across words you don’t know during parts of the test. Don’t get stuck worrying about the words you don’t know. Focus on the ones that you do and try to find the general meaning of the passage.
Use Different Reading Strategies
You don’t have to know every single word in order to answer the test. Instead, use strategies such as skimming and scanning on the simple questions so you have the time to tackle the tough questions.
Take Notes
You are provided with a notebook and pen during the CELPIP test. Use the notebook to help make sense of what you are reading or writing. Using the notebook during the listening portion of the test can also be a big help.
All credit goes to YAZ Education Center
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